William Fredrick Meinecke Jr.
Program Coordinator, Law and Justice Initiatives
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
William Frederick Meinecke Jr. is a historian at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. He received his undergraduate degree in German and History from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, in 1983. He attended the universities of Bonn and Berlin in Germany and received his M.A. (1988) and Ph.D. (1998) in history from the University of Maryland at College Park. The title of his dissertation was Conflicting Loyalties: The Supreme Court in Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1945. In 1992 Meinecke joined the staff of the Museum’s Wexner Learning Center to help design a multimedia program on the Holocaust, the Historical Atlas of the Holocaust (book and CD-ROM), and a website for students. Since 2000, Meinecke has worked with law enforcement officers, judges, prosecutors, and attorneys in the Museum’s Law, Justice, and the Holocaust training program. His book, Nazi Ideology and the Holocaust, was published by the Museum in December 2007.