Nancy Bradley, DVM
Nancy Bradley-Siemens, DVM, MNM, MS
Dr. Bradley-Siemens is a Clinical Assistant Professor in Shelter Medicine in the Pathology and Population Management Department, Midwestern University College of Veterinary Medicine, in Glendale, AZ. Dr Bradley received her Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Science from Colorado State University (1990) and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Colorado State University in (1993). She has Masters’ degrees in Nonprofit Management from Regis University (2006) and Veterinary Forensics University of Florida (2017). Dr Bradley has worked in private practice and emergency medicine. She entered shelter medicine working in both government and nonprofit animal shelters. Dr Bradley held Chief Veterinarian and Medical Director Positions during her tenure as a shelter veterinarian. Dr Bradley was also a reserve police officer for over 12 years, acting in the capacity of a patrol officer and an investigator specializing in animal abuse cases. As a shelter veterinarian given Dr. Bradley’s law enforcement affiliations she was and continues to be actively involved with animal cruelty investigations and active as a forensic veterinarian. She currently teaches Veterinary Forensic Medicine to third year veterinary students, which is one of only a few forensic courses taught to veterinary students in North America. She has given lectures regarding veterinary forensics nationally to veterinarians, attorneys, and law enforcement personnel. Dr Bradley is a member and a former Board member of the International Veterinary Forensic Science Association and a full member in the American Academy of Forensic Science. Dr Bradley consults and has served as an expert witness on numerous occasions.