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Motor Monday - Shifting Drug Toxicology Possibilities: Benefits of LC-QTOF Analysis at the AZDPS Crime Laboratory

Total Credits: 1.0 including 0.0 Ethics CLE, 1.0 CLE

Average Rating:
Impaired Driving
Steve Butler |  Bart Gray
1 Hour 05 Minutes
Audio and Video
Never Expires.


The Arizona Department of Public Safety Toxicology Unit recently changed its analytical workflow for the testing of drugs in blood. This new workflow will drastically improve turnaround times and increase the number of drugs the laboratory is able to identify. These improvements have been made possible with the implementation of new liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry instruments (LC-QTOF). This presentation will cover the benefits of the new workflow, how the LC-QTOF works, and the meaning of the analytical results. 



Steve Butler's Profile

Steve Butler Related Seminars and Products

Laboratory Manager

Central Regional Crime Laboratory, Arizona Department of Public Safety

Steve Butler is a Laboratory Manager at the Arizona Department of Public Safety Central Regional Crime Laboratory. He oversees the day-to-day operations of the Controlled Substances and Toxicology Units. Mr. Butler has been with the DPS Crime Laboratory for 24 years. During that time, he has been continually involved in supporting DUI investigations through breath alcohol testing, blood alcohol testing, and drug testing.

Bart Gray's Profile

Bart Gray Related Seminars and Products

Technical Leader

Drug Toxicology Unit, Arizona Department of Public Safety

Bart Gray has been enmeshed within forensic drug toxicology for over 22 years and analytical chemistry for over 27 years. He has multiple chemistry degrees from Northern Arizona University and is currently an active member in the Society of Forensic Toxicology. Mr. Gray is the current Technical Leader for the Arizona DPS Drug Toxicology Unit, bringing to his position unique problem-solving skills along with a desire for a continual advancement with analytical instrument testing abilities.