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MM - IACP/NHTSA Impaired Driving Updates and Helpful Reminders

Total Credits: 1.0 CLE

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Impaired Driving
Beth Barnes |  Thomas Humphrey
1 Hour 06 Minutes
Audio and Video
Never Expires.


HGN/SFST, ARIDE and DRE programs generate a large part of the evidence we use in our impaired driving cases. NHTSA and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) are constantly working to update and improve these programs. This presentation will discuss the most recent updates and provide a preview of changes to come. Familiarity with the current terminology and changes in procedures will assist in effectively questioning officers and experts. It will also help to head off defense disinformation. Some of the new content is particularly helpful in demonstrating how drugs impair a person’s ability to safely drive. Suggestions for how we can use these updates to better present this evidence in trial will be given.



Beth Barnes's Profile

Beth Barnes Related Seminars and Products

TSRP, Assistant Phoenix City Prosecutor

Phoenix City Prosecutors' Office

Beth Barnes serves as Arizona’s GOHS Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor (TSRP) through a grant from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and the Arizona DUI Abatement Council.  In this role, she serves as a resource for law enforcement, prosecutors, traffic safety professionals, judges, and the community to more effectively address impaired driving and other traffic safety issues.  She has been an assistant city prosecutor with the City of Phoenix Prosecutor’s Office for almost 29 years, specializing in the prosecution of DUI cases. Beth also serves as the national prosecutor representative on the IACP Technical Advisory Panel for Impaired Driving Programs.

Thomas Humphrey's Profile

Thomas Humphrey Related Seminars and Products


Arizona Department of Public Safety

Thomas Humphrey has been employed with the Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZ DPS) in the Highway Patrol Division for 12 years. Trooper Humphrey has been stationed in the Winslow, Valle (Williams/Grand Canyon Squad), and Flagstaff areas. In October 2016 he transferred to his current duty assignment with the Northern Patrol Bureau Regional Advanced Collision Team (ReACT). His squad services the entire northern half of Arizona and responds to criminal collisions involving serious physical injury or death resulting in vehicular homicide or aggravated assault cases. In December 2019, he became the Northern Region Impaired Driver Coordinator for the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. Trooper Humphrey has extensive training in advanced collision investigations and impaired driver investigations. He is a current Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Instructor, Advanced Roadside Impaired Driver Enforcement (ARIDE) Instructor, a Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus and Standardized Field Sobriety Test (HGN/SFST) Instructor, Drug Impairment Training for Education Professionals (DITEP), Forensic Phlebotomist, RADAR/LIDAR Instructor, eWarrant Training Instructor, and a Field Training Instructor. Throughout his career, Trooper Humphrey has received numerous awards and letters of commendation for his dedication and work ethic. He has provided numerous trainings to various law enforcement agencies across Northern Arizona, regarding impaired driver enforcement and collision investigation. His goal is for optimal highway safety through the detection, apprehension, and successful prosecution of the impaired driver.